Friday, December 11, 2015

Finals Review

2) Rule of thirds- the subject of the picture is shifted from the center of the picture to the sides
    Balancine Elements- for example if you have a horse on one side of the picture, you have another          on on the other ice of the picture
    Leading Lines- the viewers eyes are attracted to the lines on the picture leading to the subject
    Symmetry and Patters- bring a sense of visual rhythm and harmony to photographs
    Viewpoint- angle,direction,or stance from which you choose to take a picture
    Background- having a simple background, without a lot of "distraction" in it
    Create Depth- you make your photo much more engaging and interesting to viewers eye
    Framing- using the things around the subject to make a frame or square looking things around it
    Cropping- removing of outer parts of an image
    Mergers and Avoiding them- not busy edges, where you don't crop out any part of the image

3) Aperture- controls the amount of light admitted through an opening
     ISO- controls the speed of light coming trough
     Shutter Speed- the length of time when a digital sensor inside the camera is exposed to light

4) Acceptable- taking away any blemishes like acne, or possibly whitening their teeth
    Not Acceptable- changeling around their while body, making body parts bugger or thinner,
    changing face and making it skinnier or changing eyes by making them bigger or a different color

5) Environmental Portrait- has subject where they normally would be, or outside
    Self Portrait- Where you take the photo yourself, and it has you in it
    Casual Portrait- where the subject of the photo isn't in a suit or anything, and they are just doing
    something they would normally do

6) Exposure- amount of light per unit area
    Depth of Field- distance between nearest and farthest objects
    Focal Length- distance from mm from the optical center of the lens to the focal point

7) Early Magazine- dedicated opening page to a title and a table of contents
    Poster Magazine- mainly just a big photo on the front, and the title, nothing else was on the front
    Married to Type Magazine- relied heavily on cover lines to draw readers inside than the art on the
    cover could accomplish
    Forest of words- covers integrate intense photography with amazingly large number of vivid cover
    lines, there is a lot more writing on the cover, and the writing overlaps the photo

8) Paul Kitagati Jr. discovered that his father was among thousands of Japanese-Americans confined to internment camps during World War Two led him to seek out survivors who had been photographed by Dorothea Lange.  


Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Blog #4- Magazines Part 2

Early Magazine Covers- the front page was normally the title and table of contents, and a picture. The Poster Covers- produced many memorable covers, the covers are very outdone, professional artists did them, and looked like they should hold be hung up in some pace like and art museum. Pictures married to type- others relied on cover lines on the cover of the magazine to draw peoples attention to  the magazine, and there was normally a large title wight he models face overlapping it. In the forest of words-these magazines are more of the magazines that you see more often, with a bunch of words around them, and things that are the main subject that will draw more attention to the magazines.


1) Put on a lot of makeup, curled her hair, made her eyes different colors, stretched out her neck, pulled down her shoulders, and made her eyes bigger

2) Her eyes were made bigger, and blue, also they removed her freckles, gave her lighter skin, stretched out her face, made jaw smaller, made body thinner

3) They made the lady much skinnier than she was, the took off all her fat, made her chest and butt bigger, made her hair longer

4) It is not at all ethically acceptable to adjust someones body like this. They are changing someone for who they aren't, and making them the way tat society wants them to be, but hey sold be how they are, and not change that.

5) It is always wrong to do this. Its not okay, people shouldn't look at themselves as that.

6) Some changes are okay like removing your acne or red eyes from flash. But chaining their whole body is never okay.

7) Fashion photography is fake, its not real. Its changed around to meet peoples needs, and the way society wants people to look like. But Photojournalism is where you take pictures of people, and adjust the color of the photo, not the person's body.

8) Fashion Photography affects other people photography because people  may think that since the fashion people are ding it, then eery single photographer is also.

9) You are showing us these photos because you want to show us the truth about the world, and how this world really works. And that those posters we see aren't always real.

10) I think that that none of these videos are of guys because girls have higher expectations in society, and people are more likely took look at something if it is of a girl.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Blog #3- My Favorite Cover

The Atlantic, November 2014, Why Kids Sext
Photographer: Katherine Wolkoff
"Hanna Rosin's "Why Kids Sext" takes a look at a school in Lousia County, Virginia. The town's high school faced an epidemic of kids taking and sharing nude pictures on tehir phones. Technically, this is a crime, but how can law-enforcement deal with it? You can't register every kid as a sex offender, and the kids don't think it's a big enough problem to stop. For the cover, we wanted something provocative, but tasteful--not too graphic. I reached out to the photographer Katherine Wolkoff, who does amazing portraits of people in silhouette. The idea was to have our (18-year-old) model portray a teenage girl as she takes a nude selfie. The combination of the shadows and the white background creates a surreal image that gives the feeling of something dark beneath the surface."
- See more at:

I like how this magazine cover tells us something. I don't really like how much of the woman's body parts are shown off in the photo. The title is very big, and tells you what the main idea of the magazine is, which I like because I want to know what the main idea about what I'm reading is. Your able to tell who the main subject of the magazine is because the photographer darkened her, or adjusted the lights to make her look darker. Overall, this is a pretty good magazine cover. Some magazine covers show off too much body parts but this one doesn't show them. It also lets you know their opinion of the topic. 

Blog #2- Best Magazine Covers 2015 (Best Covers)

1) formal
2) informal
3) informal
4) informal
5) informal
6) informal
7) informal
8) informal
9) informal
10) informal
11) informal
12) formal
13) formal
14) formal
15) informal
16) formal
17) informal
18) informal

Blog #1- Magazine Tips

5 Things to be thinking about when making magazine cover-

1) Emotionally Irresistible.

2) Efficient, fast, easy to scan.

3) Should be worth spending money and time on.

4) If it is invisible like wallpaper, decide what element is worth go becoming dominant .

5) If the cover pops out fro its background, don't weaken it by fussing with it.

Prompt Shoot


