Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Blog #3- My Favorite Cover

The Atlantic, November 2014, Why Kids Sext
Photographer: Katherine Wolkoff
"Hanna Rosin's "Why Kids Sext" takes a look at a school in Lousia County, Virginia. The town's high school faced an epidemic of kids taking and sharing nude pictures on tehir phones. Technically, this is a crime, but how can law-enforcement deal with it? You can't register every kid as a sex offender, and the kids don't think it's a big enough problem to stop. For the cover, we wanted something provocative, but tasteful--not too graphic. I reached out to the photographer Katherine Wolkoff, who does amazing portraits of people in silhouette. The idea was to have our (18-year-old) model portray a teenage girl as she takes a nude selfie. The combination of the shadows and the white background creates a surreal image that gives the feeling of something dark beneath the surface."
- See more at: http://www.magazine.org/asme/magazine-cover-contest/past-winners-finalists/2015-winners-finalists#sthash.XMpv47DO.dpuf

I like how this magazine cover tells us something. I don't really like how much of the woman's body parts are shown off in the photo. The title is very big, and tells you what the main idea of the magazine is, which I like because I want to know what the main idea about what I'm reading is. Your able to tell who the main subject of the magazine is because the photographer darkened her, or adjusted the lights to make her look darker. Overall, this is a pretty good magazine cover. Some magazine covers show off too much body parts but this one doesn't show them. It also lets you know their opinion of the topic. 

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