Tuesday, January 5, 2016


1) Imagination by Shawn Mendes
I chose Imagination by Shawn Mendes as the best song of 2015. I chose this photo because I love this song because I found myself listing to it many times each day. Something that attracted to this song was that it is different from oner songs. A lot of the songs in this world are about doing gross things to girls, but this song is different, and respects girls. 
2) Cinderella
I chose Cinderella as the best movie of 2014. I chose this movie because I like the remix from the old one. The old one didn't have as much descriptive features as the new one. I know the old one was made with drawings, but I like the new one because your able t see all the emotion going on, and all the sadness in the movie, and you feel like your actually there in the movie. I also like how it is sort of just like the original movie, except for a few more additional changes. 
3) Paris Bombings 
I chose the Paris Bombings as the most important news story of 2015 because there was many people affected by it. Not just in Paris, but in the whole world. Everyone joined in to help people feel better, and even though it was a head time people came together. Also, it was the only thing could talk about for weeks. It was also all over the news. 
4) Ellen DeGeneres
I chose Ellen DeGeneres as the mot important person of 2015. I chose her because she helps out people each and every day. She gives money to people who really need it. She helps out military families in need of money because their loved one is off fighting in the war. She goes out of her way to make people happy, and make people lives better. 

My Winter Break: 

1) I will remember spending time with my grandparents and cousins in Granbury because my grandmother has to go to a nursing home, so that was the last time we would be all together as a family. 

2) My resolutions are to read my bible more, also change and think about what I say before I say it. 

3) I am looking forward to a fresh start, and more fun and adventures with my friends. 

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