Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Car Raid

I, Terah Clemons, interviewed Connie Jackson, my Grandmother, on Saturday May 14th. 

I asked my grandmother what her life was like these days.

"I mainly stay at home very day, and maybe go out for groceries. I also volunteer at Brackenridge Hospital, and I show people where they need to go, if they are at the hospital to visit someone, or other things like that," she said. 

I asked my grandmother why she volunteered at Brackenridge Hospital.

"I volunteer at Brackenridge because I wanted to do something were I could help other people. I know how it feels to be stressed out in a hospital, with many people running around, I wanted to be there for someone is they needed help with something," she told me.

I asked her what she meant when she said she knows how it feels to be stressed out in a hospital.

"Well, I am 69 now, but when I was nine years old I got polio, and I was in the hospital for three months, in Missouri, and I was stressed out, and scared, because I was only nine years old at the time," she said.

I asked my grandmother what type of car she had, and how long she had it. 

"I have a red jeep, and I have had it for 15 years." she said. 

I asked my grandmother what was the most important part of the car.

"The most important part of my car is the crank in the back that pulls up my electric scooter into the trunk, without my scooter I would not be able to get around very well because I am not able to walk long distances. 

I noticed there were a bunch of bags of yarn, so I asked my grandmother why,

"There are bags of yarn because I love to sew things, especially scarves, I am currently working on sewing a quilt with ocean wave designs on it," she said. 

I asked how often she sews.

"I sew whenever I have nothing to do, or when i learn a new stitch design, and want to try it out."

I asked about the latest sewing project she had.

"I recently just made dark green curtains for Lisa (my mom), and that took about two weeks for me to make."

I then proceeded to ask why she sews.

"I sew because it is fun for me to do, and I just recently got a sewing machine, so that is also fun to use too." 

I learned many things that I did not know about my grandmother. It was really cool to see how she viewed certain things, and what she did on a day to day basis. 

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