Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Part Three

1. - lookout for those quiet moments to take pictures of, because they are hard to find.
    - take pictures that make have a memory of something, that reminds the viewer of something that    
      they remember.
    - look at where the light is, and use it in your advantage in the picture.



4. This photographer didn't really follow the rules of this photo. The photographer didn't make that flower take up the whole frame. But the photographer did follow the rules of the photo by making it a simple picture, with a non-distracting background. 

5. The style of painting that would influence me is outside photos. Or, like some photos taken in nature. Because I love seeing the beauty of everything outside, and it aces me feel happy. 

Part One

1. My reaction to his work is that it was confusing. It also kind of hurt my eyes. But, at the same time it thought it was really cool how he rotated his work.

2. I think the way he made these photos is that he had his one photo and rotated it. Or, he also copied it and then pasted it and then rotated the image. But keeping the middle section of the image in the center of the image.

3. I think that one concrete structure that would work for these types of photos is the statue of liberty. Because, she is straight up and just like all the other photos that this man took.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Favorite Photo from Academics/Community Service

1.  I picked this photo because I think is a good photo. I don't mean that it looks good, but that the things going on in the photo are good. The people are feeding the homeless, and it is just such a nice thing to do, and something that I have done before, and it was so much fun. Also, it makes you feel good, because you re doing something good for others.

2.  The rules of photography that evident in this photo are rule of thirds. The action is off to the sides because there is a bunch of color to the side, so it draws your attention there.

3.  I think that I could take photos at a science fair, like the ones I saw today.
4.  I think I would like to take photos in Mrs. Dobrenels room.
5.  Things I would do to take photos I saw from today would to go to a place full of excitement, and where there are always things going on.

Filling the Frame

This picture shows"filling the frame". I think this because there are more people in the picture, but they are bung cut off, so that means they the photographer is trying to get people in the picture as much as they can. Or, "filling the frame".

Action and Emotion

This picture shows action an emotion. I think this because something has exploded, and so the girls are laughing and surprised. Also, there is a lot of stuff flying everywhere. 

The Story

This photo shows the best story. I think this because there a lot of students hand in hand, despite their differences, they still come together when there is something they care about. I think the story is that they're praying over someone they knew, that passed away. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

1. On Aprils Fools day a photographer named Menahem Kahana took a photo. Some one else fooled around with the photo before it was posted in the newspaper. The photo got passed around many times for people to fooled around with it.

2. I honestly don't see anything wrong with these photos. I think they are acceptable photos. I have definitely seen better action shots, but these photos aren't horrible.

A. The photo is unethical. I am confused by this photo. Are the people being forced to do something? Or being saved?

B. This photo is the least unethical. Because under the photo, it explains what is going on. All the other ones confuse me on what is going on, or what the topic is about. 

Friday, September 18, 2015

Great Black and White Photographers Part 2

Eadweard Muybridge

- Was born on April 9th,1830

-He died on May 8th,1904. He died at his birthplace. 

-He was born in Kingston upon Thames, United Kingdom, and died there.

-For his job he was a Filmmaker, Photographer, and Inventor.

-His wife had an affair, and so he killed the man that had and affair with her. 

-When he was 20 year old, he immigrated to America.

-he was a commission merchant for the London Printing and Publishing Company when he moved to America

-It doesn't say anything about him going to college, or his education.

-Muybridge is best known for his demonstration that movement could be broken down into fluid sequences of individual moments. 

-He was a technician.

-When he was 13 and 14 years old he lived in Australia. 

-He returned to England in 1861, to take up professional photography.

-He mainly did stop motion pictures.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Post Shoot Reflection

1. Some problems I faced while trying to take my photos was that it was hard to find happy, so I just ended up taking a picture of my partner.

2. The technical aspects that i found myself thinking most about was if I should hold my camera parallel or horizontal.

3. If I could do something different on the assignment t would be to go and shoot somewhere else. Bowie has a to of things to take pictures of, but I feel like downtown Austin has more thing stat I can take pictures of.

4. Things that I would do the same on this project is keep the mindset that I had while taking the photos.

5. I ended up achieving simplicity and framing when I took my photos.

6. I wouldn't really want to shoot these picture subjects again. I would rather go into downtown Austin and take pictures of all the different emotions I see there.

-I love the way that she took the photo of the bench. She took it thought the window, instead of just putting the bench in the middle of the photo.

-I think that maybe instead of taking a picture of a sign to show her Bowie picture, she could have taken a photo of the actual sign.


My BOWIE Photo

My METAL Photo


My HAPPY Picture

Thursday, September 10, 2015

9/11 photos

Simplicity: This picture shows simplicity because the picture is very focused on the subject. Also, there isn't much going on in the background, so it focuses on the picture which is in the center of the image.
                                                                                  Balance: This picture shows Balance because there is and image of something on both sides. There is a twin tower on both sids of the picture.

Framing: This picture shows Framing because the third person at the window looks like their framed in the window.

Avoiding Mergers: This photo shows Avoiding Mergers because the background isn't very busy.

Rule of Thirds: This photo shows rule of thirds because the person in the photo is shifted to the right.

Lines: This photo shows Lines because there is a bund of lines behind the person jumping from the tower. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The Camera

1. The camera obscura effect is where a tiny hole is created in one wall. Through the hole light is focused, and the outside the scene is created

2. The invention during the 17th century that helped man get a step closer to creating a modern camera was making high quality glass lenses.

3. The first parts of the modern camera invented by Niepce was glass lens, a dark box, and film.

4. The thing that modern digital cameras have in common with Niepce's camera is that both camera have film.

5. Digital cameras use an electronic sensor called CCD to capture photos. 

6. The difference between Auto mode and Program mode is that, Auto mode controls more things about the camera. 

7. Portrait mode is used to attempt to blur out the background, camera will try to use the fastest available lens setting (aperture).

8. The sports mode is used To freeze motion, camera will use the highest shutter speed possible.

9. It gives a faster response time, more controlled over focus

10. The symbol means no flash. You would use tis if you want the picture to be more dramatic.

11. Auto-flash is enabled by default and will automatically fire if the camera thinks it needs more light. You use this if the picture needs more light.

12. If there is not enough light, the picture will be washed out.

13. The picture will turn out dark and not be very visible. 

14. A "stop" is a relative measure of light.

15. Only one stop brighter

16. 2 stops brighter

17. Slower shutter speed gives more light

18. Faster shutter speed gives you las light.

19. It controls the size of the opening which the light goes through

20. Larger opening= more light

Jerry Uelsmann

Eadweard Muybridge

John Gutmann

The Hallway

My Teammate

Something to remember Bowie

I actually dislike this photo. I wish I had gotten more of the school in the photo, so that I could remember Bowie better when I leave. I also was in a rush when I took this photo, so it was not a very well taken photo either.

Living thing

I liked this photo because it is really pretty. I like how I was just going to take a photo go the tree, and the people walked right in front of it, and it turned out still really good. I picked this photo because it has a natural look to it. I love how the trees roots stretch out far, and make it look very beautiful. 

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