Thursday, September 24, 2015

Favorite Photo from Academics/Community Service

1.  I picked this photo because I think is a good photo. I don't mean that it looks good, but that the things going on in the photo are good. The people are feeding the homeless, and it is just such a nice thing to do, and something that I have done before, and it was so much fun. Also, it makes you feel good, because you re doing something good for others.

2.  The rules of photography that evident in this photo are rule of thirds. The action is off to the sides because there is a bunch of color to the side, so it draws your attention there.

3.  I think that I could take photos at a science fair, like the ones I saw today.
4.  I think I would like to take photos in Mrs. Dobrenels room.
5.  Things I would do to take photos I saw from today would to go to a place full of excitement, and where there are always things going on.

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