Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The Camera

1. The camera obscura effect is where a tiny hole is created in one wall. Through the hole light is focused, and the outside the scene is created

2. The invention during the 17th century that helped man get a step closer to creating a modern camera was making high quality glass lenses.

3. The first parts of the modern camera invented by Niepce was glass lens, a dark box, and film.

4. The thing that modern digital cameras have in common with Niepce's camera is that both camera have film.

5. Digital cameras use an electronic sensor called CCD to capture photos. 

6. The difference between Auto mode and Program mode is that, Auto mode controls more things about the camera. 

7. Portrait mode is used to attempt to blur out the background, camera will try to use the fastest available lens setting (aperture).

8. The sports mode is used To freeze motion, camera will use the highest shutter speed possible.

9. It gives a faster response time, more controlled over focus

10. The symbol means no flash. You would use tis if you want the picture to be more dramatic.

11. Auto-flash is enabled by default and will automatically fire if the camera thinks it needs more light. You use this if the picture needs more light.

12. If there is not enough light, the picture will be washed out.

13. The picture will turn out dark and not be very visible. 

14. A "stop" is a relative measure of light.

15. Only one stop brighter

16. 2 stops brighter

17. Slower shutter speed gives more light

18. Faster shutter speed gives you las light.

19. It controls the size of the opening which the light goes through

20. Larger opening= more light

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