Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Opinions Preview Writing Activity

Story 1:
1. Alicia Molina Assistant Editor
2. people saying the "Damn Daniel" stuff
3. they thought "it was funny at first, but then it started getting annoying"
4. yes, they started talking about the bright side of what was going on, and the things that the people got to do. like go on the Ellen Degeneres show
5. no, they stated their opinion very clearly, they said, "I thought that the video was funny but after a while it was starting to get annoying."
6. yes there was many quotes
7. 1st person

Story 2:
1. Fuaad Ajaz News Editor
2. Beyonce's music video, and her trying to get police to understand that black lives matter
3. they didn't have a direct opinion
4. no, they didn't really talk from the side of the police who are getting accused of not caring for black people's lives.
5. they weren't back and fourth, it was just not a clear opinion. They said "Sadly this is true in today's world. If someone is white and rich they are known worldwide but if someone is black and rich, not many people know who they are."
6. yes there was many quotes
7. 3rd person

Story 3:
1. Mia Barbosa Online Editor
2. if the AP world history test is even worth taking
3. yes, they said that it is a competitive race for college
4. they had opinions from both sides
5. no, they said their direct opinion. They said " I think the test is a great was for students to get ahead in the competitive race for college.
6. there isn't any quotes
7. 1st person

Story 4:
1. no name, editorial
2. Apple refuses to violate privacy of users but FBI will
3. "Once the program is created, this opens the way for anyone to pry into people lives through their phones" says the editor of this story in Lone Star Dispatch, "Either way is bad for the consumers."
4. Yes, they said that the FBI does have a valid reason to want to have access to the iPhone but that it is not worth putting everyone else at risk to find what is on one person's phone
5. The editor sometimes questioned their opinion but never changed their opinion
6. No, no quotes are involves in the story
7. 3rd person

Story 5:
1. Granger Coats, Photo Edito
2. How drug dog investigations at school are making people feel
3. "...I support the strengthening of effective security," states Coats
4. yes, he talked about how it is needed for the school but that the students should have a little more privacy
5. The author didn't really express his opinion till the end of the article
6. no, no quotes are in the article
7. 1st person

A. I believe that the real differences are that the hard news story have no opinions in it, involve a lot of different people and quotes are in the article

B. I think that the isn;t a lot of photos on this page because the stories have an opinion about them so the photos would be prejudice to the opinion of th author

C. Are iPhones really better? Best Vacation spots? Should there be uniforms or even a dress code?

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