Sunday, April 24, 2016

Opinions Story

Every school has a dress code, but some are much stricter than others. I think that it is okay for the school to have a dress code on some things, like you have to wear clothing. But I think that the dress code that says girls can't wear shirts that show their shoulders unfair to girls. 

The teachers think that shoulders are distracting to other people, but it's school, students are focusing on their education at school, not a girls shoulders. So it should not matter what shits girls wear, even if it shows their solders. 

It makes sense why the Facility would enforce things like shoulders, or legs showing. But girls have a much stricter dress code than guys.

This is not fair because that means there is only a certain things that girls can wear, so it's not really fair.

There are many ways that people express themselves, and one of the ways they do this is by what they wear. If the dress code is too strict, then people cannot express themselves in the way that they want to.

That is not fair to certain people, because we're told to show who we truly and you can't do that if people aren't allowing you to.

Dress code has always been a problem at every school. There are always those few kids that go against the dress code. Why not just not have a dress code, and not have to worry about those kids rebelling against the dress code.

Sometimes schools do not let kids wear what they want, and just enforce uniforms. I think uniforms are much worse than a dress code. It is normally the private schools that enforce the uniforms.

I think uniforms are much worse than a strict dress code because everyone has to wear the exact same thing, and the same thing every single day. Uniforms totally and completely restrain kids from showing who they truly are.

Kids like to wear different styles of clothing, or maybe dye their hair a lighter or darker color, or maybe even rainbow. They do this to show everyone who they are, and they can not do that if they have to wear the same uniform every day.

Ever since we grew up as kids we were told to never hide who you truly are, and be proud of yourself, and to not let anyone judge you for it. But if we have to wear uniforms, then we have to hide our true personality.

I think that schools should start to be less strict on the dress code, and let kids wear what they want to, and express themselves freely. Those schools that use uniforms, should stop using them. Because I know that over half of those kids that attend that school don't like wearing uniforms, they want to wear what they want to, so you should let them.

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