Friday, October 16, 2015

Great Black and White Photographers Part 3

1) The first thing that caught my eye bout my photographer is that his photos were different than others. The reason i chose his photos is because he took stop motion photos, which looked really cool. The photo i liked the most was the stop motion one of the horse.

2) I see a galloping horse. I see its muscles pumping as hard as they can. I see a town up ahead.
    I smell I sweat stench coming from the horse. I smell the cooking from the homes along the way. I  
    smell the cow manure along the way.
    I hear I hear the trotting of the horse. I hear a train on the tracks. I hear children at play as i ride    along. 
    I taste dirt being kicked in my face as I ride the horse. I taste the adrenalin going through my body.   I taste the hot air.
    I feel the wind run through my hair. I fell the hot air on my face. I feel the horse's hair touch my leg as we gallop along. 

3) I would like to make a college to show my photographer. Because he has so many cool photos. I want to share them with everyone. 

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