Monday, October 26, 2015

Funny Old People

These people are 2 old ladies on their scooters, they are in downtown Austin, they went to go shopping for those fur coats, they went around 2:00 pm, after their nap. When they were younger they use to go to the candy store, then the outlet mall next to it, the one on the red scooter is Francis, and the one on the blue is Felicia, they're best friends, who play poker and have tacos every tuesday.

This is an old lady, who went to a bar after church, to party with her friends, she got into the out of control area because she was too much of a party animal. She was walking home, but got too tired, so sat down in the out of control area, her name is Nancy. 
These people are an elderly couple, they are protesting about animal abuse but forgot, they are in Houston, Texas, they stared protesting after they had their prune smoothies, they are protesting because they love animals, and have 11 cats. They were so happy about protesting, that they forgot about what they were protesting about, they're names are Lila and Robert.

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