Tuesday, November 3, 2015


1) I noticed that in the pictures on the websites I visited, there was a lot of animals, but mainly from Africa. On one of the websites it talked about how the photographer took the photos. Also, he explained how he thought each picture through before he took it.

3) This photo is my favorite because I think it is so cute how the lions heads are close together, and shows how they love each other. I think that they both know that no matter what they will always be together.

4) Rules that are evident in this photo are rule of thirds, and simplicity because there is a solid background.

5) Camera- Pentax 6711
    Lenses- Two Fixed Lenses

6) While directing music video, he fell in love with the animals, so he tried to film the animals, but that didn't work out so well, so he changed over to photography and used the camera to capture his feelings and love of the animals.

7) His hope by taking these photos was to show people animals in they state of being instead of in action which is what most photographer produce.

8) "I'm not interested in creating work that is simply documentary or filled with action and drama, which has been the norm in the photography of animals in the wild. What I am interested in is showing the animals simply in the state of Being. In the state of Being before they are no longer are. Before, in the wild at least, they cease to exist. This world is under terrible threat, all of it caused by us. To me, every creature, human or nonhuman, has an equal right to live, and this feeling, this belief that every animal and I are equal, affects me every time I frame an animal in my camera. The photos are my elegy to these beautiful creatures, to this wrenchingly beautiful world that is steadily, tragically vanishing before our eyes." -Nick Brandt

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