Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Abandoned Theme Parks

1) The amusement park that I want to go to is in Prypiat, Ukraine. I want to take my camera there and take photos because I saw that it snows there, and I love when it snows, because I love freezing cold weather. Also, everything looks so pretty when it is covered in a sleet of snow. Also, the rides look old and rustic, which would work out to be a really pretty picture.

3) -Spotted Lake
    - The Giants Causeway
    -Thor's Well
    - Pamukkale
    - Lake Hillier


 5) I would want to take pictures here because it is really pretty, and cool looking. I haven't seen anything like it before. Photos that i could take here are of the rushing water. Maybe also some sunset photos.

6) Equipment that I would need for this trip is a camera, and a tripod, to stable the camera to take pictures with. My family would be able to pay for the plane ticket and other stuff like that.

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