Monday, November 16, 2015

American Soldier- Photos Make The Story

A) The most powerful image out of all of the photos is the first photo in Part one. I think this because, it is a picture of Ian holding a sticky note to confirm his enlistment for that month. And when you look at him, you can just see how nervous he is, because he is only 17, and he is going into the Army. When you look at the photos, you see, and get to feel the emotions he is going though at the time, and all the thoughts and "what if's" running through his mind.

B) Set 1: at home- Image #1 to Image #3
     Set 2: basic training- Image #4 to Image #14
     Set 3: in Iraq- Image #15 to Image #27
     In image #28 he is back at home in Denver

C) The set of images that was  pst powerful to me was the ones of him in Iraq. Because you get to see whats its like. And you get to see how sad they are without their families, and how hard it is there.

D) The images work together to tell a story by starting where he's at home, then he as to go off to training camp , then off to Iraq. You see the emotion in all the pictures, an what his family has to go though. But at the end, you can see how happy everyone is to see him, when he comes home.

E) The verbs are usually written in past tense.

F) The captions enhance the photos because it describes what's going on the photo, and where he is in the photo. You may be thinking one thing, but then the captions tell you what is early going do.

G) Ian is 17 years and was going into the army, he had to first go to training camp, an then he would be able to go to Iraq. It was really hard at training camp because it was really bad if you messed, up because you had to end up doing some sort of punishment. Ian goes off to war in Iraq, and comes back lave, and proposes to his girlfriends in front of everyone.

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