Monday, November 16, 2015

American Soldier- Photos Make The Story

A) The most powerful image out of all of the photos is the first photo in Part one. I think this because, it is a picture of Ian holding a sticky note to confirm his enlistment for that month. And when you look at him, you can just see how nervous he is, because he is only 17, and he is going into the Army. When you look at the photos, you see, and get to feel the emotions he is going though at the time, and all the thoughts and "what if's" running through his mind.

B) Set 1: at home- Image #1 to Image #3
     Set 2: basic training- Image #4 to Image #14
     Set 3: in Iraq- Image #15 to Image #27
     In image #28 he is back at home in Denver

C) The set of images that was  pst powerful to me was the ones of him in Iraq. Because you get to see whats its like. And you get to see how sad they are without their families, and how hard it is there.

D) The images work together to tell a story by starting where he's at home, then he as to go off to training camp , then off to Iraq. You see the emotion in all the pictures, an what his family has to go though. But at the end, you can see how happy everyone is to see him, when he comes home.

E) The verbs are usually written in past tense.

F) The captions enhance the photos because it describes what's going on the photo, and where he is in the photo. You may be thinking one thing, but then the captions tell you what is early going do.

G) Ian is 17 years and was going into the army, he had to first go to training camp, an then he would be able to go to Iraq. It was really hard at training camp because it was really bad if you messed, up because you had to end up doing some sort of punishment. Ian goes off to war in Iraq, and comes back lave, and proposes to his girlfriends in front of everyone.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Self Portrait and Portraits Part 1

2-3 Tips: 

1) Break the Rules of Composition

There are a lot of ‘rules’ out there when it comes to composition and I’ve always had a love hate relationship with them. My theory is that while they are useful to know and employ that they are also useful to know so you can purposely break them – as this can lead to eye catching results.

The Rule of Thirds is one that can be effective to break – placing your subject either dead centre can sometimes create a powerful image – or even creative placement with your subject right on the edge of a shot can sometimes create interesting images.

2) Hold Your Camera on an Angle

Horizontal and Vertical framings are not the only options when it comes to shooting portraits. While getting your images straight can be important in when shooting in these formats holding your camera on a more diagonal angle can also inject a little fun into your images.

This type of framing can add a sense of fun and energy into your shots. Just don’t ‘slightly’ do it or you’ll have people asking themselves if you might have mistakenly held your camera crooked.
3)You can also capture a self-portrait by supporting your camera, then frame your picture and focus with a stand-in. Place a mirror just behind the camera, and do your final posing in the mirror. This method also requires a self-timer, or a remote triggering device if your camera has one. Once again, if you use a self-timer, you'll need to get into position before it goes off
Environmental Portrait: 
I picked this photo because I like horses, and I like how is sun is reflecting off the horses mane. 
I picked this photo because it shows how had things really are. I like how it shows the truth of the world, when most photos don't. 
I picked this photo because I liked that she was in water. I liked how the photographer chose a different environment than most photographers do. 
I picked this photo because I thought it looked really cool. It was black and white, but there was only a title but of color, that makes it stand out. 
I picked this photo because it had a really simple background. Also, she looks really pretty photo, and it is really clear who the main subject it. 
I picked this photo because this couple is the price and princess of England. And my aunt and uncle live in England, so i like this couple, and it is a really pretty photo.

For my portrait project, I am going to shoot my friends. Im thinking that I could do it in the woods behind my house. I would do it in the woods because it would be a really good shot. And the photo would turn out really pretty with all the trees in the background. I think something I could do to make the photo successful is to really take into consideration what i am shooting and everything around it, and using the environment to help me. Also, i think that the best rule i could use is rule of thirds because i know how to do that one, and also the rule where there is a simple background, and it is easy to tell what the subject is. 

Love and Loss Warm-Up

1) At the beginning, I felt happy, and felt this warm feeling come over me. But then I realized what was really going on, and I felt upset, and sad. his is because I realized she had cancer.

2) I fell that the person is trying to tell us that these things do happen in our life. And, some of us may be going through it.

3) I feel like I would be able to take photos like this. Maybe not a good as this, but I would be able to. Because I am in sort of a situation like this, but its different in a way.

4) I would say, "I am so sorry for what your going through I am truly sorry, I cant imagine what is it like. There are many hard things and life, and they are just obstacles God put in our way, so that we could over come them. I am, so sorry. But your pictures are amazing. I love how they capture every emotion that is going on, and it makes you fell like you are right there."

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Rules of Photography Part 2

Rule of Thirds:
Balancing Elements: 

Leading Lines: 
Symmetry and Patterns:
Create Depth:
Mergers and avoiding them:

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Abandoned Theme Parks

1) The amusement park that I want to go to is in Prypiat, Ukraine. I want to take my camera there and take photos because I saw that it snows there, and I love when it snows, because I love freezing cold weather. Also, everything looks so pretty when it is covered in a sleet of snow. Also, the rides look old and rustic, which would work out to be a really pretty picture.

3) -Spotted Lake
    - The Giants Causeway
    -Thor's Well
    - Pamukkale
    - Lake Hillier


 5) I would want to take pictures here because it is really pretty, and cool looking. I haven't seen anything like it before. Photos that i could take here are of the rushing water. Maybe also some sunset photos.

6) Equipment that I would need for this trip is a camera, and a tripod, to stable the camera to take pictures with. My family would be able to pay for the plane ticket and other stuff like that.


1) I noticed that in the pictures on the websites I visited, there was a lot of animals, but mainly from Africa. On one of the websites it talked about how the photographer took the photos. Also, he explained how he thought each picture through before he took it.

3) This photo is my favorite because I think it is so cute how the lions heads are close together, and shows how they love each other. I think that they both know that no matter what they will always be together.

4) Rules that are evident in this photo are rule of thirds, and simplicity because there is a solid background.

5) Camera- Pentax 6711
    Lenses- Two Fixed Lenses

6) While directing music video, he fell in love with the animals, so he tried to film the animals, but that didn't work out so well, so he changed over to photography and used the camera to capture his feelings and love of the animals.

7) His hope by taking these photos was to show people animals in they state of being instead of in action which is what most photographer produce.

8) "I'm not interested in creating work that is simply documentary or filled with action and drama, which has been the norm in the photography of animals in the wild. What I am interested in is showing the animals simply in the state of Being. In the state of Being before they are no longer are. Before, in the wild at least, they cease to exist. This world is under terrible threat, all of it caused by us. To me, every creature, human or nonhuman, has an equal right to live, and this feeling, this belief that every animal and I are equal, affects me every time I frame an animal in my camera. The photos are my elegy to these beautiful creatures, to this wrenchingly beautiful world that is steadily, tragically vanishing before our eyes." -Nick Brandt