Thursday, March 31, 2016

Student of the Month story

Who- Jake Brien
What- Student of the Month
When- March 31st, 2016
Where- James Bowie High school
Why- Lonestar Dispatch Newspaper
How- Ask questions in person

I, Terah Clemons interview Jake Brien on March 31st, 2016 for student of the month. At James Bowie High School. For the Lonestar Dispatch Newspaper, in person.

Freshman Jake Brien was recently named Student of the Month by the Bowie administration.

"We chose Jake as Student of the Month because he is incredibly smart, the smartest person at Bowie, he has never gotten anything below an A plus," principal Joe Bob said.

Jake Brien believes he is the only person worthy of the Student of the Month title.

"Nobody deserve it besides me because there is no better," Brien said.

There is only one way to win Student of the Month Brien thinks.

"Because I stepped over all of those who are weak."

Brien gets along with his teachers very well.

"I always go to his birthday parties, I have ever since he was a little boy" said Mrs. Holloway, Brien's favorite teacher.

Brien is in quite a few clubs. 

"I'm in NJHS, they formed NJHS around my greatness," Brien said. 

Brien doesn't play any sports, but does help out with soccer. 

"I ref soccer," Brien said.

Brien's favorite elective is Theater.

"Because it allows be to hang out with all of my theater friends," Brien said. 

Brien's favorite class is Math.

"He does amazing in Algebra, he could probably even teach the class better then me," Mr. Warner said. 

Brien agrees with Mr. Warners opinion.

"I teach the class due to my math skills, while my teacher cries in the corner," Brien said. 

Brien has never gotten a B before in his life.

"All A's, straight A's, my mother would have a heart attack if I got a B," Brien said

Studying hard isn't one of Jake Brien's concerns. 

"Never study, I look at something and know it," Brien said. 

Some people want to be a doctor, or maybe a veterinarian, but not Brien.

"I want to be an astronaut because I want to communicate with my alien army so it can conquer the world," said Brien.

Jake Brien already knows where he is going to college.

"Harvard University because I received a scholarship at age three, solving the answer to the universe" Brien said.

Inverted Pyramid

My First Interview

Jake Brien- Student of the Month
1. Jake Brien
2. yes, I want to be the very best
3. because I stepped over all of those who are weak
4. yes, I've been training for years
5. nobody because there is no one better
6. all A's, straight A's, straight A's, mother would have had a heart attack if I got a B
7. because it is my training to conquer the world
8. all of my teachers come to my birthday parties, favorite teacher is Ms. Holloway
9. I love going to school because it allows me to be student of the month every month of every year
10. never study, I look at something and know it
11. most of my weekends I sit in my room with the light off, meditating on how to destroy my enemies
12. only in my fan clubs
13. no, but I ref soccer
14. formed NJHS around my greatness
15. no not in PALS
16. is Math because I teach the class due to my math skills, while my teacher cries in the corner
17. Theater because it allows me to hang out with all my theater friends
18. 5.0
19. Harvard University because I received a scholarship at age 3, solving the answer to the universe
20. An astronaut because I want to communicate with my alien army so it can conquer the world

Student of the month interview

1. -what is your name, how do you spell it
    -are you happy to be student of the month, why or why not
    -why do you think you were picked to be student of the month
    -do you think you deserve to be student of the month
    -who would you have nominated instead of yourself, why
    -what types of grades do you make
    -how important is school to you, why
    -are you friends with your teachers, who's your favorite teacher
    -do you like going to school, why or why not
    -do you study really hard for tests, what grades do you normally get on them
    -do you spend most of your weekends doing schoolwork
    -are you in a lot of clubs at school, which ones
    -do you play any sports at school, which ones
    -are you in NJHS, do you like it
    -are you in PALS, do you like it
    -what is your favorite core class, why
    -what is your favorite elective, why
    -what is your GPA
    -what college do you want to go to, why
    -what do you want to be when you grow up, why


Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Learning How Interview Part 1

Assignment #1:
1. Principal, students, teachers
2. -do you like your school
    -you you feel left out if your not in style
    -what do you think about uniforms
    -do you like wearing normal clothes
    -do you like the people at your school
    -would you like to dress the same at school as you do at home
    -would you be happy with wearing uniforms
    -do you want things to change at school, like the rules
    -do you think people would be happier with uniforms
    -do you think wearing uniforms would help kids feel better about themselves
    -do you have money to pay for your own uniform
    -what would you think about your school if you had to wear uniforms
    -would you leave or stay at your school if they informed uniforms
    -would you feel like you fit in more if you had to wear uniforms
    -do you think people would actually wear the uniforms
    -if kids didn't wear uniforms, what would happen to them
    -what would your school wear for sports
    -would any rules change at school
    -would the school become very strict on dress code
    -would the way classes run be changed

Architecture Shoot




Angles and Shapes


Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Portfolio Analysis

1. Alyssa Schukar’s 2006 Portfolio:
a) Alyssa Schukar
b) Stories about sadness
c) Pictures were of a certain distance, not up close and personal. Can’t feel love or pain n any of the pictures. Not enough strong signals.
d) They like the picture of the guy sweeping. The position of the photos
e) I didn’t really like these photos, I feel like anyone could have taken them. I thought they could have tried to capture more of the pain in some of the photos.

Josh Birnbaum’s 2006 Student Portfolio:
a) Josh Birnbaum
b) Funny and happy pictures
c) Wish the guys eyes were open. Got closer to people. Take different angle for photos. Bad transition between two photos. Secondary photos.
d) They thought all the photos were funny. Took pictures at good moments.
e) I like these photos I think that the photographer took these photos at a good time. I also thought that these photos were really funny.

Melissa Golden’s 2006 Student Portfolio:
a) Melissa Golden
b) A lot of different things, not just one main topic
c) Bad pictures, doesn’t have a story behind it. Didn’t get photo at most important part of action. Power lines were in the way of picture, she should have moved somewhere to get a better shot.
d) Had a good portrait of old man. Had good portraits towards the end of the photo shoot.

e) I liked the photos at the end with the old people. Not towards the beginning, because it was just a bunch of jumbled photos.

2. Dustin Snipes 2006 Student portfolio:
a) good color, composition, shot at good angles, everyone is doing something in the photos, good set up portrait, creative
b) I think that he took all the pictures from a really cool angle. Also, the one portrait that he took, he put a lot of thought into it, and it looked really cool. I think that he could have made some of his pictures less blurry than they really were.

3. Contest Recap:
a) They all talked about how they felt about each photo. They listen to each other’s ideas. If the photographer put together a really good portfolio.

Part 2- Individual Photos:
1) I agree with one of the photographers on the very first photo, I thought it was beautiful how the light was coming into the photo. The photo of the girl throwing her tennis racket in the air is a beautifully taken photo, with a lot of emotion in it.
2) I don’t agree with the pictures in Part 4. I think that the pictures could have been better. They weren’t as amazing as the judges said.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Architecture Preview

La Pedrera, Spain
1) Antoni Gaudi
2) 1910
3) Spain
4) vist
5) not any i could find
6) a rich man wanted Gaudi to build a house for him
7) I picked this building because i thought it was so cool. I love the shape of it so much! It doesn't look like any other building, it looks so cool. I also have been in a hotel that is like that, hollow on the inside with tons of rooms around it. I thought the way Gaudi built this was so cool!

Habitat 67, Canada
1) Moshe Safdie
2) 1967
3) Canada
4) yes
5) it is worth $10 million
6) was and attempt to balance cold geometry against living, breathing nature
7) I picked this building because i have been to Canada before. I went to Alaska and Canada on a cruise. It was so beautiful in Victoria, Canada. There was flowers everywhere, so i like learning about all the different things there.

Eden Project, United Kingdom 
1) Nicholas Grimshaw
2) 2000
3) United Kingdom
4) yes
5) it brought 805 million pounds to the economy, doesn't say the exact worth
6) it is an educational charity
7) I picked this building because i think that the shape is so cool. I go to England every three years, and i am fascinated by it. If i could i would move to England, and live with my Aunt and Uncle. So anything in England is so col to learn about.

Turning Torso, Sweden
1) Santiago Calatrava
2) February 14, 2001
3) Sweden
4) yes
5) doesn't say
6) someone asked Calatrava to build
7) I picked this building i thought the name was cool. I really wanted to see what it looked like, it wasn't what i thought it was, it was super tall. I think its so cool that someone can build a tower that tall and it not fall over.

Kunsthaus Graz, Austria
1) Sir Peter Cook and Collin Fournier
2) April 2009
3) Austria
4) yes
5) doesn't say
6) it is and art museum
7) i picked this building because i would never have painted a building that dark black with spikes. I've never seen a building like this before and it was cool to read about it. I also like looking inside art museums, because they each have their different theme inside of it.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Action Photography Photos

Running directly at me

                                                         Creative Blur
                                                          Panning Photo
                                                          Moving across the plane

Sensory Overload Warm-Up

1) I think that it is saying that we surround ourselves with objects and stuff like that, not just buildings, but with stuff that comforts us. I agree with this statement. I fell like we should take pictures of people around the things that they love, and not just random buildings.
2) When i looked through the photos, it hurt my eyes to look at for so long. I would go and take photos there, but not for that long.
3) I wouldn't like to be a child of someone who worked at one of these places because some of the dolls, and mannequins creeped me out a lot.
4) My favorite photo is the one of the lady with black hair and a blouse on, and she is sitting at her desk. It has a a lot of walls, covered in different types of beads. And page lining at the top and bottom of the walls.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Action Photography preview


1. Because whenever a football team wins a game, they dump the water or gatorade on the coach.
2. The shutter speed is probably 1/2500
3. This is a key moment because if the team wins, they jump the water, so you know that they won the game. This could have been planned by the players because they were happy to win the game, so they planned for two people to dump the water on the coach.
4. They made the picture slow dow so that you could see the water pouring on the coach, and the slow motion of it.