Thursday, March 31, 2016

My First Interview

Jake Brien- Student of the Month
1. Jake Brien
2. yes, I want to be the very best
3. because I stepped over all of those who are weak
4. yes, I've been training for years
5. nobody because there is no one better
6. all A's, straight A's, straight A's, mother would have had a heart attack if I got a B
7. because it is my training to conquer the world
8. all of my teachers come to my birthday parties, favorite teacher is Ms. Holloway
9. I love going to school because it allows me to be student of the month every month of every year
10. never study, I look at something and know it
11. most of my weekends I sit in my room with the light off, meditating on how to destroy my enemies
12. only in my fan clubs
13. no, but I ref soccer
14. formed NJHS around my greatness
15. no not in PALS
16. is Math because I teach the class due to my math skills, while my teacher cries in the corner
17. Theater because it allows me to hang out with all my theater friends
18. 5.0
19. Harvard University because I received a scholarship at age 3, solving the answer to the universe
20. An astronaut because I want to communicate with my alien army so it can conquer the world

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