Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Learning How Interview Part 1

Assignment #1:
1. Principal, students, teachers
2. -do you like your school
    -you you feel left out if your not in style
    -what do you think about uniforms
    -do you like wearing normal clothes
    -do you like the people at your school
    -would you like to dress the same at school as you do at home
    -would you be happy with wearing uniforms
    -do you want things to change at school, like the rules
    -do you think people would be happier with uniforms
    -do you think wearing uniforms would help kids feel better about themselves
    -do you have money to pay for your own uniform
    -what would you think about your school if you had to wear uniforms
    -would you leave or stay at your school if they informed uniforms
    -would you feel like you fit in more if you had to wear uniforms
    -do you think people would actually wear the uniforms
    -if kids didn't wear uniforms, what would happen to them
    -what would your school wear for sports
    -would any rules change at school
    -would the school become very strict on dress code
    -would the way classes run be changed

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