Thursday, March 31, 2016

Student of the month interview

1. -what is your name, how do you spell it
    -are you happy to be student of the month, why or why not
    -why do you think you were picked to be student of the month
    -do you think you deserve to be student of the month
    -who would you have nominated instead of yourself, why
    -what types of grades do you make
    -how important is school to you, why
    -are you friends with your teachers, who's your favorite teacher
    -do you like going to school, why or why not
    -do you study really hard for tests, what grades do you normally get on them
    -do you spend most of your weekends doing schoolwork
    -are you in a lot of clubs at school, which ones
    -do you play any sports at school, which ones
    -are you in NJHS, do you like it
    -are you in PALS, do you like it
    -what is your favorite core class, why
    -what is your favorite elective, why
    -what is your GPA
    -what college do you want to go to, why
    -what do you want to be when you grow up, why


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