Thursday, March 31, 2016

Student of the Month story

Who- Jake Brien
What- Student of the Month
When- March 31st, 2016
Where- James Bowie High school
Why- Lonestar Dispatch Newspaper
How- Ask questions in person

I, Terah Clemons interview Jake Brien on March 31st, 2016 for student of the month. At James Bowie High School. For the Lonestar Dispatch Newspaper, in person.

Freshman Jake Brien was recently named Student of the Month by the Bowie administration.

"We chose Jake as Student of the Month because he is incredibly smart, the smartest person at Bowie, he has never gotten anything below an A plus," principal Joe Bob said.

Jake Brien believes he is the only person worthy of the Student of the Month title.

"Nobody deserve it besides me because there is no better," Brien said.

There is only one way to win Student of the Month Brien thinks.

"Because I stepped over all of those who are weak."

Brien gets along with his teachers very well.

"I always go to his birthday parties, I have ever since he was a little boy" said Mrs. Holloway, Brien's favorite teacher.

Brien is in quite a few clubs. 

"I'm in NJHS, they formed NJHS around my greatness," Brien said. 

Brien doesn't play any sports, but does help out with soccer. 

"I ref soccer," Brien said.

Brien's favorite elective is Theater.

"Because it allows be to hang out with all of my theater friends," Brien said. 

Brien's favorite class is Math.

"He does amazing in Algebra, he could probably even teach the class better then me," Mr. Warner said. 

Brien agrees with Mr. Warners opinion.

"I teach the class due to my math skills, while my teacher cries in the corner," Brien said. 

Brien has never gotten a B before in his life.

"All A's, straight A's, my mother would have a heart attack if I got a B," Brien said

Studying hard isn't one of Jake Brien's concerns. 

"Never study, I look at something and know it," Brien said. 

Some people want to be a doctor, or maybe a veterinarian, but not Brien.

"I want to be an astronaut because I want to communicate with my alien army so it can conquer the world," said Brien.

Jake Brien already knows where he is going to college.

"Harvard University because I received a scholarship at age three, solving the answer to the universe" Brien said.

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